Whastapp Spy

Nowadays everybody is online. There is a saying, if you are not online then you don't exist. Somehow this is right, especially with all lock-downs, in many cases, the only way to keep in touch with family and friends is having a chat or a cal/video call with them. For teenagers keeping in touch with their friends is even more important as at this age they connect more with each others, not adults. You can not take it off, more than this, most of the parents say the screen time is actually even bigger now than ever so better to find a way to protect your child. App-Spy is a tracking app that comes in help for each and every parent.
App-Spy is a full monitoring solution with many features to choose from. One of the most wanted feature is Whatsapp Spy as this is still the most popular app for chats no matter the age.

What is Whatsapp spy when using App-Spy

Using App-Spy for Whatsapp spy you'll receive next information: - All incoming Whatsapp messages with exact time and contact name or phone number; - All outgoing Whatsapp messages with exact time and contact name or phone number; - All received pictures on Whatsapp; - In case of a call or video call you'll see the exact time, durration and the contact.

App-Spy set-up for having all the Whatsapp spy options

Whatsapp spy can be done without the device being ROOTed, just make sure to enable notification and accessibility accesses during the install or even after.

On Android 10 and 11 devices is it also important to enable admin rights to prevent the accessibility access blocking. You can do it during the install if you go in the warnings section or you can do it after it: go to device's Settings => Security => Device administrator rights and check the Backup box (Actually App-Spy on the target device). Then click on the ACTIVATE button. You also can do it from App-Spy interface: dial #12345678# and click on call => accept-next => check warnings => enable administrator rights -> and enable it for Backup (Actually App-Spy on the target device).

Except Whatsapp spy you'll have many-many other social apps such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, ZOOM, TikTok, KakaoTalk, VK, WeChat and many more. For social media apps you'll see also the notifications from that app such as reminders, who liked or commented on a post etc. More than this, App-Spy has other features such as SMS spy, call recordings, GPS tracking, Browser tracking, block features, app usage and more. When registering a device you'll receive FREE 3 days trial to test the app before buying a subscription. App-Spyis the perfect tracking app for any parent, user friendly with 24/7 technical support and a competitive subscription offer.

Try for free on Android